Afsluitdijk (cutting off dyke) : Marvel of Dutch engineering


The Afsluitdijk is a marvel of Dutch engineering in their infinite quest to keep the sea away from their low lying land.



Afsluitdijk from the air


Built over a 5 year period and completed in 1932 it pushes 20 miles across the Zuider Zee (a salt water inlet of the North Sea) keeping the sea on one side and forming the fresh water Ijselmeer on the other.


During the Battle of the Afsluitdijk in May 1940 the Dutch defeated the German’s attempt to take North Holland and fought valiantly to protect the Dijk.  Unfortunately the Germans had punctuated the country’s borders in other areas and the Netherlands surrendered on May 15, 1940.



Driving along the Afsluitdijk


More on the travels of the little white dog above can be found on:


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