Saint Hubert, a place of pilgrimage for people and dogs


Saint-Hubert, in the forested Belgian Ardennes area is the “capital of hunting and nature”.  Saint Hubert is the Saint of Sportsmen and on St. Hubert’s day each year (November 3), hundreds of dogs converge on the Basilica to be sprinkled with Holy water.  The foundation of the church dates back to 871.  The oldest part of the building standing is the Norman style crypt dating from 1064.  The facade was built in  1700 in the Baroque Style.  The Baroque style is defined as a period of artistic style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, architecture, literature, dance, theater, and music.



St. Hubert Basilica, a place of pilgrimage for people and dogs.

St. Hubert Basilica, a place of pilgrimage for people and dogs.


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