Welcome to a Random History Walk, where we ramble a little every day.

Posted Europe United States


The world’s stage beckons.  Sometimes the odds are stacked in our favor, a glittering temple of ambition achieved, enemies vanquished and life preserved.  Sometimes – stage right – sirens blare and neon warnings blink and airplanes hover, bomb,  hurtle to the moon, Mars, the depths of the Indian Ocean ……  The future is bright, or not.  It is unknown and exciting and possibly teetering towards disaster and decay.  It is, what we will make of it.  Us, the people, of the world.

And then there is the past.  History.  Why even bother to explore the ruins of crusaders, cathedrals, trenches, hopes and tears mingled with mud and mangled steel?

Maybe because we, the people of this world, dragged ourselves from the wreckage.  Maybe, because the stained glass in Gothic churches refracted and twisted the light that beckoned us forward and led and blinded some along the way.  Maybe, because we live as we do because men, some great, some villainous, some outright evil, crossed the same ancient rivers on cobbled bridges as perhaps we still do to this day.

Maybe because it’s ours.  Our history.  Let’s take a random walk……… maybe it will be interesting.



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